Questions for preparation of 2nd Terminal Exam

1.      What is Boolean Logic? Describe the AND, OR, NOT operations with truth table. [2+8]
2.      Explain number system with its types and example. Convert (2552.211)10 into binary and octal number system. (5+2.5+2.5)
3.      Explain different types of system bus. Differentiate between primary and secondary memory? [2+8]
4.      What is an operating system? Explain the functions of operating system in brief. (2+8)
5.      Write importance of operating system. Explain the types of operating system based on processing method. [2+8]

6.      Define computer architecture with block diagram. Describe the function of memory and processing unit of computer system. (2+8)
7.      Define computer. Explain the features of fourth generation computer.(1+4)     
8.      Convert (102.222)10 into binary number system. (5)
9.      Differentiate between analog and digital computer.(2.5+2.5)
10.  Convert (DAD)16 to its octal equivalent (convert using both binary and decimal number system).(5)
11.  What is Associative law? Explain AND gate with its truth table and logic symbol. (1+4)
12.  Subtract (1100)2 from (1110)2 by using 1’s and 2’s complement method.(2.5+2.5)
13.  Explain 9’s and 10’s complement with an example. (2.5+2.5)
14.  What is printer? Differentiate between impact and non-impact printer.(1+4)
15.  Differentiate between CUI and GUI based operating system.(2.5+2.5)
16.  What is word processor? Explain features of word processor.(1+4)
17.  Describe the Demorgan’s Law.(5)
18.  Explain complement law and commutative law of Boolean algebra. (2.5+2.5)
19.  What is mobile computing? Explain. (5)
20.  How do you measure the capacity of speed and memory of computer system? Explain. (5)
21.  What is operating system? Write its importance. Describe CUI and GUI based operating system with merits and demerits. [2+2+6]
22.  Explain any four logic gates with truth table, symbol and Venn diagram. [2.5x4=10]
23.  What is computer architecture? Explain different types of memory available in compute. [2+8]
24.  Define multitasking and multi-processing operating system. (2.5+2.5)
25.  What is computer software? Explain different types of software with example. [2+8]
26.  Define computer. Explain the features of third generation computer. (1+4)       
27.  Differentiate between analog and digital computer. (2.5+2.5)
28.  Convert (BEE)16 to its octal equivalent (convert using both binary and decimal number system).(5)
29.  What is CPU? Explain the components of CPU. (1+4)
30.  Write the functions of CPU.(5)
31.  What is spreadsheet? Write uses of spreadsheet. (1+4)
32.  Differentiate between single-user and multiuser operating system. (2.5+2.5)
33.  Define the types of computers on the Basis of Brand. (5)
34.  Subtract (1100)2 from (1110)2 by using 1’s and 2’s complement method. (2.5+2.5)
35.  What is operating system? Explain the types of operating system based on user interface. (1+4)
36.  Subtract (868)10 from (5652)10 by using 9’s and 10’s complement method. (2.5+2.5)
37.  Write the difference between the Boolean and Ordinary Algebra.(2.5+2.5)
38.  What is memory? List out any four differences between primary and secondary memory. (1+4)
39.  Differentiate between microcomputer and super computer. (2.5+2.5)
40.  Convert (10.10101)2 to decimal and octal number system. (2.5+2.5)
41.  Write short notes on: (2.5+2.5)
a)      Cache Memory
b)     Bus in the Computer System
c)      MICR
d)     Buffering & Spooling
e)      OCR
f)       History of computer in Nepal
g)     USB
h)     Mouse
i)       Modem
j)        Trackball
k)     Laser printer
l)       Scanner
m)   Cut & Paste

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