Word Processor & Spread Sheet

Word processing/ Word Processor
A word processor is a type of software application used for composing, editing, formatting and printing documents. Word processors have a variety of uses and applications within the business environment, at home and in educational contexts. Word processors are used to create, edit and print documents, and well as save them electronically.
Word processors have the following main functionalities:
·         Insert
·         Copy
·         Cut and paste
·         Delete
·         Find and replace
·         Print
·         Word wrap

Advanced word processors, referred to as full-featured word processors, support additional features such as:
·         File management
·         Graphics
·         Font specification
·         Footnotes
·         Cross reference
·         Headers and footers
·         Macros
·         Layout
·         Spell check
·         Thesaurus

Word processing describes the process of creating or editing a document using a word processor, such as Microsoft Word, Google Docs, or Open Office Writer. For example, a student could create a book report in a Word Processor application. Then, the student could print it, save it to a disk, display it on the screen, or send it over e-mail. Also, a person looking for a job could create a resume using a word processor, then e-mail or print and mail it to job recruiters.
Note: Before word processor people used typewriters.

A spreadsheet is a software application that enables a user to save, sort and manage data in an arranged form of rows and columns.
A spreadsheet stores data in a tabular format as an electronic document. An electronic spreadsheet is based on and is similar to the paper-based accounting worksheet.
A spreadsheet may also be called a worksheet.
A spreadsheet is primarily designed to provide a digital form of the paper-based worksheet. Spreadsheets work through spreadsheet application software. The rows and columns within the spreadsheet contain cells that are filled with data to create unique operations. A typical spreadsheet program can have multiple functions such as:
·         Numerous rows and columns for data and values storage
·         Support for mathematical formulas and calculations
·         Data sorting and analysis
·         Multiple worksheets and their interlinking
·         Integration and visualization of data in the form of graphs and charts
Microsoft Excel and Lotus 1-2-3 are among the most popular spreadsheet applications.

Difference between a workbook, worksheet, and spreadsheet
Because the terms spreadsheet, workbook, and worksheet are so similar, there can be a lot of confusion when trying to understand their differences. When you open Microsoft Excel (a spreadsheet program), you're opening a workbook. A workbook can contain one or more different worksheets that can be accessed through the tabs at the bottom of the worksheet you’re currently viewing. What's often most confusing is that a worksheet is synonymous with a spreadsheet. In other words, a spreadsheet and worksheet mean the same thing. However, most people only refer to the program as a spreadsheet program and the files it creates as spreadsheet files or worksheets.

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