Operating System
·         Define an Operating system. What is its purpose? List the functions.
·         What is an operating system (OS)? Explain why GUI is more popular than text based OS.
·         Explain the importance of an operating system. Differentiate between GUI and CUI operating system with examples.
·         What is an operating system? Explain the functions of an operating system.
·         What is operating system? Explain the different types of operating system with suitable examples.
·         What is software? Why graphically user interface (GUI) operating system is more popular than character user interface (CUI) operating system? Justify?
·         Define software. Explain the different types of software in detail.
·         What is operating system? Describe GUI and CUI operating system in detail.

·         What is data and information?

Word processing
·         Explain the features of word processor.
·         What do you mean by word processing? Distinguish between word processing and data processing software.
·         Document formatting in word processing package.
·         What is word processor? State the advantages of word processor in document designing.
A word processor is a device or computer program that provides for input, editing, formatting and output of text, often with some additional features.

·         What is spreadsheet package? State advantages of Spreadsheet package.
·         What is cell Reference or cell address?
A cell reference, or cell address, is an alphanumeric value used to identify a specific cell in a spreadsheet. Each cell reference contains one or more letters followed by a number. The letter or letters identify the column and the number represents the row.
·         Cell referencing in spread sheet package.
·         Describe the features of spreadsheet.
·         What is cell addressing and explain different types of cell addressing used in Spreadsheet?
The process of accessing data in the cell with its cell reference of or cell address which is an alphanumeric value by the user is called cell addressing.
There are various types of cell addressing used in spreadsheet they are:
Relative cell addressing:
Absolute cell addressing:

Computer Systems
·         Describe the major units of computer system with logical diagram.

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