Advantages and Disadvantages of computers

Computer is an essential part of our daily life in this modern age. It has many merits rather than demerits, whatever it has some points are listed below:


  • Computers are always accurate and reliable than human.
  • They are faster than human in calculations.
  • They never feel exhausted and tired like human beings
  • They can perform Complicated and difficult works which are hard for us.
  • They are versatile i.e, master in all types of work and fields like education, hospital, banks etc.
  • It is used for communication between many people.
  • Computer usage saves the time and also gives error free result.
  • Using the computer, one can analyze data and take informed decision about the future course of action.
  • Computer can search free-text as well as structured data to find a specific data value.

  • They cannot operate without batteries or electricity.
  • Failure in devices and wrong information by users makes it unreliable.
  • It is an expensive device.
  • They can be used for computer crimes like hacking, sending viruses etc.
  • People have to invest money in computer equipment and software.
  • Computers Decrease in physical activities affecting health in a major way.
  • Repair, Update and Maintenance are required frequently.
  • Highly-skilled IT (Information Technology) personnel is required.

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